Dakota Gibson
Inventory Lead

Favorite Disc: Dynamic Discs Fuzion EMAC Truth
Favorite Course: New Life Christian Church
Favorite Place To Eat In Emporia: Do-B's
Favorite Musical Artist: Don Broco
Favorite Movie: Rocky and Rocky II
Favorite Sports Team/Athlete: Kansas City Chiefs
DDO Tee Off Song: Story of My Bros - Dance Gavin Dance
My Dynamic Discs Story:
I had been playing disc golf for about a year or so when I saw that there was an opening in the warehouse for Dynamic Discs. I had a job that I enjoyed, but the thought of working in the disc golf industry and with a brand I was pretty familiar with seemed too good to not at least put my name in for. So I shot my resume over to Doug and before I knew it I had put my two weeks notice in at my old job and was starting my new career at DD! I have enjoyed every moment of working here and look forward to continuing to help the disc golf world.