Dynamic Discs School Curriculum and Educational Equipment Packages

Dynamic Discs is committed to growing the sport of disc golf, and we believe that growth happens best by focusing on younger players. We have held the PDGA Junior World Championships for the last two years for this reason, and we hope to continue to do so in the future. However, Dynamic Discs wants to take the next step in promoting youth disc golf by bringing it directly to where the students are - schools.

Introducing the Dynamic Discs School Curriculum: an 8-lesson plan for physical education teachers that equips them to teach disc golf as a unit of their annual curriculum. This curriculum teaches the basics of disc golf, focuses on repetition and positive reinforcement, and concludes with an activity that everyone can enjoy - playing actual disc golf holes!

The Dynamic Discs School Curriculum is written to meet each of SHAPE America’s National Standards, and it can be used for students of all ages. Each of the eight written lessons includes a supplemental instructional video in which concepts are explained that benefit from a visual example for educators.

Jackie Morris
Community Outreach

Jamie Rusco
Director of Sales

Product Image PRIME / RETRO / ORIGIO / BURST DISCS $5.50
Product Image RECRUIT LITE BASKET $100.00
Product Image SCOUT BASKET $125.00
Product Image RECRUIT BASKET $150.00
Product Image PATRIOT BASKET* $295.00
Product Image VETERAN BASKET* $375.00
*Portable and permanent options available.